Tuesday, July 2, 2013

July 2, 2013- Copan, Honduras

So much has happened before I had a chance to access Wi-fi so here’s a further update.  I got to go to Amigos last night!  The kids are adorable, and the hogar (home) is rustic, but beautiful.  The kids greeted me and another Amigos worker with signs, hugs, and cheers.  It was overwhelming.  My entire first 24-hours in Honduras have been very overwhelming.  I am frustrated by the language barrier and it turn motivated by it because I want to understand what’s going on around me.

I had the best mango for breakfast this morning.  I got to explore the hogar this morning, and then I left for language school in Copan.  My host family is really nice, and they have a teenage son who speaks English very well.  I’ll have my first dinner with them tonight.  :) Right now, there's some great Honduran music playing, and my host mom is cooking dinner.

Though I made my connecting flight, my luggage did not.  It’s supposed to be delivered today.  I sure hope so... my clothing options are limited to say the least.

July 1, 2013- somewhere between Georgia and Honduras

I’m off!  After a tearful goodbye with my family,  I made it onboard my first flight to Atlanta just in the nick of time or so I thought.  Just as I set off on my journey, I was waylaid by inclement weather. We sat on the runway at the Raleigh-Durham airport for about an hour, which put me behind in my itinerary.  My layover in Atlanta was only an hour.  Oh boy, here we go.

This whole experience so far has been a giant leap of faith.  I just know that God’s hand is in this, and He was going to get me to Honduras one way or another.  I preferred for it to be on the flights that I had scheduled... but part of leaping is releasing creative control.

Upon arriving in Atlanta, I speed walked (olympic style) to the other end of the concourse in the Atlanta airport.  They were calling for final boarding.  I made it!

And now, I really am Honduras-bound, and this is beginning to feel real.  This flight is officially bilingual.  Hopefully on my return flight for my vacation in April, I’ll understand both sets of safety guidelines.

The most important part of this blog post is this ending part.  THANK YOU to all of you for your support.  Though I’m super scared, I feel so good about this!  I have the best people in the world rooting for me.  I am just overwhelmed by your financial donations, encouragement, gifts, and prayers.  You are all such a part of this now.  I received a fundraising update last week, and I have exceeded my goal of $3,000 by $1,200 for a grand total of $4,210!  You all did that!  Gracias!  If you haven’t had a chance to donate yet or you would like to donate again, it’s not too late.  All donations benefit Amigos, and please consider sponsoring one of the kids if you can.  God bless!

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